
60 years of the CdL

On Friday 19 April, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the CdL at an event organised after our statutory General Assembly.
We also took the opportunity to thank Emile Piraux, our outgoing Director, and Annette Königs, our Deputy Director, who will both be retiring in November 2024, and whose last GA it was (in their current roles).

The event was an opportunity for Emile Piraux to retrace the history of the CdL via a short film. Representatives from the dairy industry (CBL - Lien Callewaert), agricultural (Bauernbund, FWA, FJA, FUGEA) and food industry (Fevia - Anne Reul) sectors presented the challenges and opportunities for their respective sectors.
Jean-François Heymans, our incoming Director who took up his post on 1 April, developed the vision for the future of the CdL. It is based on three major themes: 1/ Strengthening and developing the CdL 2/ Strengthening services for the dairy interprofession 3/ Developing services for food processors (in particular labs via our 'Agrolab' and certification of labels such as organic).
Our guiding principle: to maintain and develop a human and personalised approach, a quality service that is reliable, tailored to needs and aimed at excellence.
Finally, the Ministers present, the Mayor of Herve and the Vice-President of the CdL discussed and shared their views on the challenges and issues facing agriculture and the agri-food industry.
Other guests included members of our GA, our staff and numerous representatives of partner organisations at the highest level (AWE, CRA-W, ARSIA, MCC, SPW, AFSCA, etc.).

This very rewarding afternoon ended with a walking diner.

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Le nouveau Directeur du CdL est connu

Ce 15 septembre le CA a désigné Jean-François Heymans comme successeur d'Emile Piraux qui partira à la retraite le 1er novembre 2024.

Bepork - V2.0 d'application au 04/09/2023

Dans le document ci-joint, vous trouverez les modification apportées au Standard Bepork.

Nouvelle version 5.0 du Standard Vegaplan

La nouvelle version 5.0 du Standard Vegaplan entre en vigueur le 3 juillet 2023.  Vous trouverez dans le document joint les grandes lignes des adaptations.  Retrouvez toutes les modifications sur le site de VEGAPLAN.

Instructions QFL - février 2023

Quelques mises à jour ont été apportées aux instructions QFL.  Vous les trouverez dans le document ci-joint.